Saturday, February 3, 2007

MBA admission timeline

A typical MBA admission calender

Please find below a rough timetable of the admission process for a two year MBA program. This is only intened to be a guideline. Please refer to individual college websites/ brochures for actual information.

The important factor that the student needs to be aware is that the preperation for getting into MBA in united states takes a year or slightly more than that.


June - JulyReserach and shorlist colleges to apply.
July - AugustStart your GMAT preperations
August - SeptemberTime to give your GMAT & TOEFL exams
September - November
Application deadlines for Round 1 for Fall of next year.
January - February
Round 2 application deadlines. Round 1 & Round 2 financial aid application deadlines. Interviews for Round 1 & Round 2 applicants.
March - April Round 3 application deadlines. Round 3 Financial aid application deadlines. All applicants notified of thier acceptance/ rejection.
April-MayStudents accept offer from college. College mails request for I-20 form to students
June-JulyStudents mail back the request form. I-20 form is sent from college. Visa application process starts.
August Orientation program for international students. Pre-MBA Program.
SeptemberTwo year MBA program begins.

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